Saturday, May 24, 2014

Summer Wearable DIY #1

Summer is by far my favorite time to do WEARABLE DIYs. This includes many things- t-shirts, sneakers, and, of course, a summer favorite... (drum roll, please) ... FLIP-FLOPS!

I decided to start of my Summer Wearable DIY Section with a
simple, easy, and cute craft that anyone can do!

To do this craft, you will need:

  • Flip-flips. I recommend going cheap. Mine were $0.98 at Wal-Mart.
  • Ribbon. Again, cheap isn't always bad. My ribbon was all Offray brand, which you can buy 6 yds of at, once again, Wal-Mart.
  • And last, but never least, scissors!

To start this craft, cut a piece of ribbon of your choice about 8 inches long. 

Then, fold it in half and put it underneath the strap with the fold facing the inside of the flip-flop. 

Next, put the two ends of the ribbon around the strap and through the folded part of the ribbon, as shown below.
Tighten it.

And continue, alternating colors if you want. Do whatever you'd like. This flip-flops are ALL yours!!

Once you're done, your flip-flops should look fun and fringe-y!

Some ribbon is slick, so the ribbons will come undone. If this happens, just re-tie them or glue them with hot glue to the rubber strap.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Valentine's Day Decorations For Your Room

A fun fact about me is that I love Valentine's Day... which is weird considering I've never had a Valentine, and I've never been a Valentine... but still, I really do enjoy the teddy bears and chocolate!
Since I love Valentine's Day so much, I decided to decorate my room, and what better way to do it than to DIY it?

You know, I just love chocolate, but my second favorite Valentine's Day candy is (drum roll pleeeease) conversation hearts! I wanted to make a few paper versions of this loved candy, but I wanted to make it special. I decided I would make scrapbook paper conversation hearts! 

To do this, you will need:
  • Scrapbook paper (preferably pastel to match the colors of the actual candies)
  • A cut out of a heart
  • A pencil
  • Scissors
  • and a Sharpie

Start off by tracing the heart pattern onto a sheet of paper as many times as you can. Trace it on the white side of the paper, I only traced it on the color side so you could see it.

 Next, cut out all the hearts.

I made a list of my favorite conversation heart sayings so I could write them on the hearts.

Use all the colors you have, and make sure you make A LOT.

You could just put these up in your room as they are, but I also have some extra crafts involving these hearts!

To make this you will need:
  • Your conversation hearts
  • A flat piece of cardboard (I used a pizza box lid)
  • and a hot glue gun (well, and the glue, obviously)
First, trace two hearts, one inside the other onto the cardboard. 

And then cut them out. (Make it easy on yourself and cut a sthrough the heart to get to the middle!)

Prepare your glue gun, and set it somewhere
so it won't get glue everywhere. Glue where you cut through the middle. Remember, the cardboard doesn't have to be perfect, you'll be covering it up soon.

 Afterwards, slightly bend a heart into a taco shape, not creasing it. Use hot glue and glue it onto the cardboard heart, as shown below.

 Keep gluing the heart tacos until you've covered up all the cardboard.


For this craft, you will additionally need some ribbon, yard, or string. I chose heart ribbon. Glue your conversation hearts down approximately one and a half inches apart.



Think these crafts are just too silly for you? Then I have the craft for you!

Grab some camouflage scrapbook paper, and cut out some hearts like the ones to the left.
Then, cut out a bigger heart on a different sheet of paper. (I used yellow.)

Glue the separate camo hearts onto the bigger, colorful heart.


My stuff looks great all together on my wall now!